Gen e-TDS: One of the Leading TDS Return Filing Software
Moreover, you can directly log-in to the TRACES CPC and NSDL through this software, therefore no need of generating the User ID every time. The other useful information such as all India PIN codes, ISD codes, TAN/PAN AO codes, TIN FCs MICR & IFSC codes, service tax ranges, bank BSR codes etc. also come enabled with the software.
Installation 5000*
Updation 3500 *
Advance Features of Our XBRL Return Filing Software
SAG InfoTech's XBRL is a boon for professionals dealing with preparation & e filling of balance sheet, profit & loss A/c in XBRL format as per Accounting Standards (AS) and Indian Accounting Standards (IND AS) taxonomy & validation tool of MCA "In just simple 4 steps. The steps including the conversion in simplified four steps are as follows:
- Step 1: Feeding the whole financial data with all relevant Notes and Disclosures in Gen-XBRL utility, available for download with Latest Revised Schedule-III Taxonomy (AS and IND AS).
- Step 2: Converting the XBRL data from our utility into XML file format by our two Products "Gen-Comp Law" & "Gen-XBRL" Software tool with professional(s) assistance.
- Step 3: Validating the data through MCA tool.
- Step 4: An Instance document containing Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss Account will be generated and ready for e-filing.
"A unique solution for e-filing that helps in creating XBRL sheets, Validating and beyond..." XBRL is a data-rich dialect of XML (Extensible Markup Language), the universally preferred language for transmitting information via the Internet. It was developed specifically to communicate information between businesses and other users of financial information, such as analysts, investors and regulators. XBRL provides a common, electronic format for business reporting. It does not change what is being reported. It only changes how it is reported. XBRL is a world-wide standard, developed by an international, non-profit-making consortium- XBRL International Inc. (XII). XII is made up of hundreds of members, including government agencies, accounting firms, software companies, large and small corporations, academics and business reporting experts. XII has agreed with the basic specifications which define how XBRL works.
XBRL in MCA:- It has been decided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India to mandate certain class of companies to file Balance Sheets and Statement of Profit and Loss AS taxonomy and IND AS taxonomy respectively with effect from F.Y. 2010-11 and F.Y. 2016-17 onwards by using XBRL Taxonomy.
The following classes of companies have to file the Financial Statements (AS Taxonomy) in XBRL e-forms only W.E.F. the F.Y. 2010-2011 onwards:
- All companies listed in India and their subsidiaries, including overseas subsidiaries.
- All companies having a paid up capital of Rs. 5 Crore and above or a Turnover of Rs 100 crore or above.
- Outsourcing to SAG InfoTech for Creation and validation of the XBRL document by our Expert team of Professionals:
- SAG Infotech developed a complete XBRL Conversion Software that has surpassed all the gaps between professionals & software.
- Our software is having expertise in validating XBRL data into the instance document for Balance Sheet & Statement of Profit and Loss using Taxonomy and Business Rules for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) entities that saves your time & laborious hardship.
- A dedicated & hardworking team of professionals (CA/CS) working for MCA launched XBRL filing to generate XBRL document accurately and within time span.
- No need to spend money and time on training of our software.
- The Author of this article provider information about XBRL and tool developed by SAG InfoTech for filing through XBRL software.
- Our Software is updated with the new taxonomy released by MCA department.
Features of Gen e-TDS Software
- Composes e-TDS return and calculates the taxes.
- Uploads TDS/TCS e-return online (on ITD website).
- Generates e-filing of the returns 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, 27EQ with proper validations.
- Filling and uploading of Correction Statement .
- Option for filing the TDS/TCS return online from assessment year 2003-04 onwards.
- Declaration filling for no TDS deduction or non-filling of Returns.
- Certificates in Form 12BA, 16, 16AA, 27D and 27A, 27B
- TDS/TCS certificates for the form 16, 16A, 27D in PDF format and signed with digital signature (optional) along with the email facility.
- Calculation of annual taxable salary after giving effect of deduction under Chapter VI-A
- Request download – One can easily download all the requests which had been done on the TRACES website like consolidated file, Justification Report, 16 and 16A forms etc.
- Calculates month-wise salary and TDS thereon.
- In case of Lower Tax Deduction or no deduction scenario, it is an inclusive tool of all the forms like 13, 15C, 15D, 15G, 15H, 15I, 15J.
- Online filing of 15CA/15CB according to new Schema with both XML generation facility and direct upload.
- Quarterly Filling of 15G/15 H Forms with 15 G/15H register maintenance facility in software.
- Allows to Import / Export data from MS-Excel Files / Text File/ FVU File.
- It generates various reports in single or bulk mode, like continuous printing of certificates, challan wise details, deductee wise payment (summarized and detailed), certificate issue register and list of clients not having PAN and address.
- The fresh PAN application and correction statements for residents and non-residents can be established using online filing.
- Challan and the Online e-Payment of tax Challan verification.
- Bulk PAN verification.
- Request and download facility for Justification report.
- Automatic download of the form 16/16A from trace.
- Automatic calculation of interests and late fee.
- Other utilities include - all India PIN codes, STD codes, ISD codes, TAN/PAN AO codes, List of TIN FCs, bank branches BSR codes, service tax ranges, MICR codes and IFSC codes.
- Online TDS/TCS e-return uploads – one needs to register the DCS followed by uploading the TDS/TCS returns and consolidated online statement and for this they can check for the direct option available in the software.
- We provide you the option request download @ trace login.
- This option provides you the simple way to download all those requests you put on trace website.
- E-Filing of returns via various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.
Features of Gen e-TDS Software
- Composes e-TDS return and calculates the taxes.
- Uploads TDS/TCS e-return online (on ITD website).
- Generates e-filing of the returns 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, 27EQ with proper validations.
- Filling and uploading of Correction Statement .
- Option for filing the TDS/TCS return online from assessment year 2003-04 onwards.
- Declaration filling for no TDS deduction or non-filling of Returns.
- Certificates in Form 12BA, 16, 16AA, 27D and 27A, 27B
- TDS/TCS certificates for the form 16, 16A, 27D in PDF format and signed with digital signature (optional) along with the email facility.
- Calculation of annual taxable salary after giving effect of deduction under Chapter VI-A
- Request download – One can easily download all the requests which had been done on the TRACES website like consolidated file, Justification Report, 16 and 16A forms etc.
- Calculates month-wise salary and TDS thereon.
- In case of Lower Tax Deduction or no deduction scenario, it is an inclusive tool of all the forms like 13, 15C, 15D, 15G, 15H, 15I, 15J.
- Online filing of 15CA/15CB according to new Schema with both XML generation facility and direct upload.
- Quarterly Filling of 15G/15 H Forms with 15 G/15H register maintenance facility in software.
- Allows to Import / Export data from MS-Excel Files / Text File/ FVU File.
- It generates various reports in single or bulk mode, like continuous printing of certificates, challan wise details, deductee wise payment (summarized and detailed), certificate issue register and list of clients not having PAN and address.
- The fresh PAN application and correction statements for residents and non-residents can be established using online filing.
- Challan and the Online e-Payment of tax Challan verification.
- Bulk PAN verification.
- Request and download facility for Justification report.
- Automatic download of the form 16/16A from trace.
- Automatic calculation of interests and late fee.
- Other utilities include - all India PIN codes, STD codes, ISD codes, TAN/PAN AO codes, List of TIN FCs, bank branches BSR codes, service tax ranges, MICR codes and IFSC codes.
- Online TDS/TCS e-return uploads – one needs to register the DCS followed by uploading the TDS/TCS returns and consolidated online statement and for this they can check for the direct option available in the software.
- We provide you the option request download @ trace login.
- This option provides you the simple way to download all those requests you put on trace website.
- E-Filing of returns via various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.