Gen Low Cost Bulk SMS Service

SAI Infotech comes up with a new feature to stay connected with the customers easily. We have added an extra feature to our software service named ‘BULK SMS’ using which user will be able to send bulk messages to their customers.

Installation * Updation 1500 *

Genius Bulk SMS Feature

* Make sure your message is a transactional service message and not a promotional message. Use for your clients, Friends and relatives only. (Transactional sms includes a message that is not related to promote or advertise your business.)

The SMS will be provided as per the following rates -

Particular Installation Charges*
SMS Credits in a multiple of 5000
Price 1500 For 5000 SMS
GST Tax 18.00

To avail this services please provide us following information -

Desired Particular Ex
Desired User Name
(must contain 6-8 alphanumeric characters)
ex. – saginfo
Desired Password
(must contain 6-8 alphanumeric characters)
ex. – sag123
Desired Sender ID
(must contain Exactly 6 alphabet)
ex. – SAGIPL
Mobile No. ex. – +91- 9XXXXXXXXX
E-Mail ID ex. –